Our Founder & The Management

Late Shri. C M Nagaraj
East West Group of Institutions
Founder [EWGI] & Former Mayor of BBMP Shri. C M Nagaraj deserves the due respect of immortals for he lives and reigns in the hearts of many through his service and passion by education.
He founded East West Group of Institution in 1968 with an extreme vision to propose quality based technical education to those who were depressed due to poverty, social status and many other causes. He had commissioned to bring equal opportunity for students who come from rural background. Though he could intensely forecast the less advantaged aspects of establishing an institution in rural setting, he vowed to start one in a peaceful place far away from the hustle and bustle of city.
And today, the institution has become a treasure house of knowledge to thousands of enthusiastic student community across the globe. EWGI upholds its’ unflinching recognition in all respects of academics and is celebrating 52th year of academic excellence, honing the life of every student with a code of conduct. EWFGCS came into existence in 1997 and is rigorously fashioning students with all round skill development inventions in science domain. Today, the Institution is driven by Smt. Rashmi Ravikiran, Chairman-EWGI, Mr. Tejas Kiran, Secretary EWGI.

Late Shri. C N Ravikiran
Former Chairman
East West Group of Institutions
“Acquiring mere knowledge isn’t an education rather applying it for a right cause makes difference”.
East West First Grade College of Science aims at imparting the quality framed education beyond providing professional oriented knowledge with skill based assistance to every student individuals.
In the memory of Late Shri. C N Ravikiran, a man of conduct and a visionary by birth, laid a potent foundation for educational institution serving knowledge for all class of the society in different streams. He carried out the legacy of his father Late Shri. C M Nagaraj, Founder Chairman [EWGI] & Former Mayor of BBMP, a great philanthropist and a visionary himself. Today, the institutions have grown in leaps and bounds by the divine grace of Late Shri. C M Nagaraj founder Chairman and with constant efforts of his son Late Shri. C N Ravkiran.
On the account of his able guidance, sincere efforts and noble service of the highest order, he was able to establish several other branches in order provide the best education in different streams of academics. He traveled around many places across the globe acquiring knowledge and invested the same for the future endeavor of all students in brightening their career holistically. His ways were steady. Quite, least offensive but extremely effective in all respects of academic growth. He is endowed with rare qualities of tolerance, patience and gratitude. Being a philanthropist, he never denied whenever any organization or students approached him for any financial assistance, he liberally donated for the noble cause.
He admired to provide students a holistic learning experience for life. His prime motto is to train students to discover new and innovative trends in education rather not just to learn and get a mere University Degree. Hence, his aspiration endeavored to journey beyond the boundaries of bookish knowledge. As a chairman he had dreamt and understood the fact and future of every individual to transform them as the real champions of the society than as mere graduates. He believed that today’s youth are tomorrow’s true source of nation building and the true movers of science.

Smt. Rashmi Ravikiran
East West Group of Institutions
“Science has become a part of human existence and a soul mate for today’s generation”…
The primary aim of EWFGCS is to impart a right career platform to every student to build their identities coherent with their chosen area of interest. The major concern of the institute emphasis to produce skilled brains rather than mere graduates. We believe in inculcating human values among students with their academic endeavors.
The hard earned responsibilities of science colleges in our country are gradually mounting. It’s an uphill task preparing young technocrats and managers to mitigate future challenges and ethics in the society are also to be pondered over. Keeping this in mind; we have set up different institution to provide student desired courses from time to time.
East West First Grade College of Science is an institute built upon moral standards. As a Chairman, I truly feel proud that the institute has produced great scholars, philanthropists and notable Alumni across the globe. Today, the college has surfaced into a fully grown up-to-date and science cognizant institute. It has created a special podium for itself in the realm of academic life of the nation. Emergence of conscious thinking and pioneer engineering approaches are molding the educational setup into the new framework.
Along with academic activities, the institute promotes for research, consultancy services, extension activities, learning resource and students support. The institutional vision has been achieved through multiple dimensional strategic development and academic strength in the congenital educational environment. Having discovered that research is a supreme task of science. Research Center have been established with specially qualified and well experienced research Guides to oversee the research activities of the scholars leading to award of Ph.D.
EWFGCS welcomes all student community to zest the flavor of academics with their choice based programs and explore their life to the fullest.
God bless you all for your future endeavors.

Mr. Tejas Kiran C R
East West Group of Institutions
“Education is the only tool of enlightenment”
Believing the value of education, I understand how significant it is to an institution to provide skilled platform to its learner to build their professional identity embedded with right wisdom, culture and knowledge.
In the present era, success can only be accomplished if one makes the right decision at the right time. Your attempt in choosing East West First Grade College of Science should be your best choice that he/she has made and I am delighted to welcome you all to East West Family. The college holds student centric academic structure aims at holistic growth of the student community and also in enhancing important professional skills required to confront corporate culture and beyond.
The college possesses all infrastructure amenities’ required to establish a better standard academic discipline among staff and students to brighten their future in all respects to culminate their destiny. We have created a learning culture, a friendly atmosphere that assists complete progress of our students. The college is committed in creating an ambience for fostering innovation, creativity and excellence in students.
It’s truly a matter of pride for me and the legacy for East West family that our students from different streams have been attaining stupendous results both in academics as well as beyond academics.
I wish you all good success for all the learning aspirants